Grandma I miss you!!!
I lost my Dear sweet Grandma just 4 months ago. My Grandma and I were very close when I was growing up. I was the first grandchild she had. She was there when I was born, baptized, many many birthdays, when I got endowed for my church, when I married in the temple, and for tons of other things in my life. The last time I talked to my Grandma (at that time I didn't know it would be the last time) but it was a Tuesday night May 14th I think it was. We talked almost once a week after I got married and moved to Utah. That night we just talked like normal asking each other how we both were doing, talked about the weather, etc. Then we both said "I love you" and goodnight. I wish that we would have talked longer more often that week if I would have only knew last time I would have talked to her forever and would have never hung up. After that night my week was pretty good until that Sunday night I will never forget that night May 19th, 2013 around 8:15 my time. I was sitting on the couch and I got the phone call I never wanted to get. My mom was calling me so I answered the phone never thought I would hear what she was about to say. This is conversation " Megan, are you sitting down" I need to tell you something there's been an accident with Grandma. Me "WHAT" Is she OK?" My mom " Megan, no she is not OK she fell out of her wheelchair and hit her head on the cement." Me "WHAT" Is she going to be OK?" "WHERE"S GRANDMA" My mom "she's at the hospital "Megan, they are trying to do everything they can for her, but it doesn't look good, they don't think she is going to make it." "MOM, WHAT Then I lost it like I have never lost it before I was crying uncontrollably. My mom and I talked for a little more then she said I have to go I will call you back so we can make arrangements for you to come down here ASAP. Well I made arrangements with work early the next day which was Mon May 20th and left for Cali. I was crying all the way to the airport, all the way on the plane off and on and lost it again when I arrived in Cali. When I arrived in Cali I got the phone call that turned my world upside down it was from my sister Shannon. "Megan, Grandma just passed away a few minutes ago. She passed away about 3:11pm my flight landed about 3:15pm. She didn't make it long enough for me to say goodbye that's what i kept saying to myself after my sister said that to me. I cried and cried when talking to my sister. She then told me they all at hospital so our very close family friend Shelly (who is like my 2nd mom) would pick me up and bring me to hospital. When I saw Shelly she just put her arms around me and said "Lets go for a walk" we sat down on a bench and we both started crying a lot. We talked for a little bit then got into car and drove to hospital. I called my Nana (she paid for my trip without her I wouldn't have been able to go). As we talked I cried again I couldn't believe it my grandma was no longer here on earth she had passed away. When we got to the hospital Shelly had her arms around me. It took us a little bit to find my grandmas room. My mom, sisters, grandpa, and Scott were all in room when I arrived. I looked at my grandma sitting in the bed lifeless not the way I ever wanted to see her. I went u to her grabbed her arm told her " I loved her and miss her tons" We sat on the bed next to her as a family and just cried, cried, cried. Then it was time for us to leave so that the corner (a very close family friend Chris Cowan) could take grandma with him to mortuary. But before I left room I asked for a min a lone with Grandma. I held her hand said goodbye, miss u tons and love you tons.. I'm too emotional i will write more later