Monday, September 23, 2013

   NO KIDS YET!!!!

  (sorry I'm very blunt in this post)

 In the Church I go to everyone has kids right after they get married and have tons of them well some do but for the few people like me that's it very hard to get pregnant. I don't like being asked these questions. I hate when everyone asks the question: Are you Pregnant? When are you guys going to start having babies? You know your not that young anymore? This questions really make me MAD at times. No were not pregnant, we don't know when we are going to have children its not for lack of trying, and yes I know that I am getting older. We have been married for almost 7 years and we don't know why we aren't having kids yet. It's not easy being a woman and wanting to start your own family and month after month nothing. Then a friend or someone in your ward will say" I wasn't even trying we got pregnant" it's not the woman's fault but that hurts so much. I have cried so many times month after month after getting nothing. The only thing that keeps me going is my Testimony , my Heavenly Father and having my husband who is a worthy priesthood holder that can give me blessings when I need comfort. My very close family members and friends have known everything we have gone thru. The road is not easy one and times I just want to throw in the towel but that's not what I'm going to do. I will get thru this. Because of my faith in my very loving Heavenly Father, my husband, family and friends


  1. Megan, You are an incredible human being. You are a worthy woman, friend, and wife. You have a mothers heart, and your grace and Christ-like love are an amazing example to many. I love you. I wish I could take this burden from you. Although our roads are not the same, I understand the frustration of wanting babies, and not knowing fully the Lord's plan concerning those matters. No one, but you, knows this true heart ache you carry, and my heart is with you as you grieve empty arms each month that passes while you wait. You are a good example to me, that you keep pressing forward with faith. I pray you receive your dream come true soon. Always do what is best for you and your family. You will know what action to take when needed. I'm ok with smacking ignorant people for... or we could always egg houses... Just a though. ;-)

  2. I cannot pretend to know exactly what you go through, only that I experienced the wanting and the waiting before. I have two sisters who have struggled long years. The first time I visited you I remember asking about children. And I felt like such an idiot, because I truly knew nothing about you before that day and never meant for you to feel judged. But I certainly know what it is to feel like others react to you as if you must have done something wrong, and I hope you didn't get that impression from me! I truly just wanted to know about you and your life. You are an amazing woman! I pray you feel that strength! And you will be a mother, wether in this life or in the millennium, and more blessed are we because those who have the opportunity in the millennium will be able to raise perfect children! It has taken, is still taking me time to accept the wait for that blessing... Thank you for sharing. I hope you feel the love of those who read and share in this experience with you.

  3. You are honest, strong and courageous. Keep being you, just the way God created you.
